Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Challenges week 5

my intrests hm......texting i guess if you click texting it should bring you to a link with all the texting words and stuff like that :DD the next one is the definition of what texting is.


1 comment:

  1. G'day Twylite,
    As I don't own a cell phone, I don't know much about texting. When I went into a chatroom a few years ago I had to learn how to write emoticons using letters and characters on the keyboard.

    By the way, when using this theme, I can't tell where you have made links for me to click on - it might be an idea to change those words to a different colour, so your readers know something is different about these words.

    Miss W.

    Could you change your settings for commenting to include Name/URL please?
