Friday, January 29, 2010


so today is friday...yippy!!!!!!! sitting here in english next to kylie....but not talking lol :-/ cause i kinda dont feel good....but its all good for now.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Squishy brain.....

so what on my mind right now??? nothing really i try not to think so much cause it makes my brain squishy and hurts. but i have a song stuck in my head :] Happy by NeverShoutnever. if you click here it will bring you to the song :-0 i wish i could play quarters fun game. yup nothing to intresing in this noggin of mine haha im really ubber bored and theres nothing to mostly just hoping i to get my Oneida name next week at the Oneida ceremony but going to go get is gunna make me fail my classes in school even more so i dont know what im guna do about that :- if only things were just simple and not so hard to make good choices for me.